Thursday, March 16, 2006

Scottish Desserts

Here we are. Flatmates in Edinburgh. Doing what we do best. Pigging out! We really enjoy eating here in Scotland. We actually spend quite a lot of time during the week doing it, so we thought it would be appropriate to document the activity. We are incredibly ridiculous when we eat. Especially when we eat desserts because we won't even take it out of the original packaging. What's the point? I mean, it's only going to be gone with in 5 mins anyway! Why make more dirty dishes for us to clean later? No point. Kendra is shown here devouring a 16 portion cake and I am sucking the life, and certainly all the chocolate ice cream, off that poor spoon.

No, I am not exaggerating when I say they have really good desserts here. Their cheap Wal-Mart-equivalent chocolate is better than anything I've had in the States! There are also a bunch of candies and such that I will severely miss when I go back home. Caramel Logs and Jammie Dodgers, to name a few. Unfortunately, however, they do not know how to do cookies. A real cookie is hard to come by here and it makes me yearn. And don't even think about cinnamon candy. It doesn't exist. But, by golly, their pastries are delicious. Can't wait to get over to Europe, though. That is where the high quality pastries are supposed to be!

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